Welcome to the 2024 Canadian Tire Thursday Night Men's League
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The Origin Story of Our League
In ancient Rome, conquering heroes returned from wars throughout the empire bathed in glory and the adulation of the citizens. Soon after, however, the reality of daily life returned and Centurions and Legionaries alike pined for the camaraderie they shared while out on campaign. Instead of the company of fellow soldiers, they were forced to deal with the wrath of disgruntled wives, consorts and/or concubines who grew embittered by being left behind during the campaigns.
Familiar laments such as:
“Listen, Centurion, I don't give a merda that you’re some kind of conqueror, you're taking me to see the crucifixions tonight!”
“Our servants are useless! And don’t get me started about those eunuchs!
So, as a method of dealing with their plight, a number of soldiers decided to get together once a week at the local Palaestra and challenge each other in noble pursuits such as wrestling, races and what appears to be an early version of dodgeball.
Replete with copious amounts of food, wine and grog, it soon became more a social occasion and was named “Noctis Hominus”, roughly translated as “Men’s Night”. Thus began a fine traditional that's been passed down over the last 2000 years and is now honoured here at the club every Thursday day during the summer.
Not surprisingly, we’ve dispensed with the more physically challenging portion of the competition but I assure you that the chance to bond with the boys and escape the rigors of daily life is still very much alive. You won’t be expected to grapple with any fellow members (unless he’s a Habs fan or the bastard refuses to putt everything out) but instead, enjoy a golf game followed by delicious fare and cold libations in the bar.
The team portion of the program gets underway Thursday, May 11th so book your time, bring your "A" game, and plan to stick around afterward while we watch the scores come in. Should be a great year.
Wheaton Mouck
League Convener